About Mike Mili
Michael Mili is a storyteller who loves to write about the tiny details that comprise our everyday lives. By drawing on his own life experiences in Detroit’s historic Greektown district, Michael tells a tale of a world that has gone forever. Some people collect stamps or coins, Michael collects people. In Cigarette Money, Michael is able to bring to the reader some of his prize-winning pieces; a collection of interesting characters that he has been accumulating his entire life.
Born in Detroit, Michigan to Greek Cypriot parents, Michael is a working actor, writer, artist and producer. Michael’s first lead role in movie was portraying a hit man in Daniel Casey’s award-winning film, The Death of Michael Smith. Michael also received credits in such films as Setup, Amanda & The Fox, Krampus, Intent, Guns, Drugs & Dirty Money and The Devil inside Maxwell Bastas just to name a few.
Michael expanded his knowledge of screenwriting with the assistance from the Academy of Television and Motion Picture Sciences including numerous industry classes and seminars. Michael and longtime co-writer, Rich Goteri were hired by Frank Roche of Roche Productions to write and develop his story "The Italy Boys" which is set for production. Michael’s other written works also include: the writing and illustration of his weekly cartoon called Tasso.
Michael's father was an accomplished ceramic artist and sculptor. His grandfather Michael Christos Kashalos (Mili) of Cyprus was a world-renowned painter and sculptor, whose works are displayed in museums and private collections around the globe.
As a Writer, and Screenwriter, I love creating worlds and the characters that fill them. My specialties are World Creation, Idea Generation, Creating Deep Characters, and just plain Storytelling, I can provide strategic guidance from concept to launch. My goals are simple, to create entertaining content that appeals to a global marketplace and attain this goal by creating strategic alliances between like-minded producers, directors and fellow creatives. -Mike Mili
As an author I've written a couple of books:
Poster for live In-Person
2 day workshop
ONLINE 2 day workshop
Words to Film By - on-Line Video Course